Mole Identification Guide


Mole Inspection Guide

Mole Damage Appearance

Gopher Mounds vs Mole Mounds

How to Get Rid of Moles

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Mole Prevention Guide

What Are Ground Moles?
Ground moles are small mammals often mistaken for mice or voles but are not rodents. These creatures spend the majority of their time underground, making them rarely seen above the surface.
Recognizing ground moles is essential for identifying them as the source of any potential lawn damage in your yard.
Moles share several common features across species, making them easy to identify once spotted:
What to Look For
Moles create unsightly ridges and can cause secondary damage to plants and turf. Identifying signs of mole activity is essential when inspecting your yard for damage.
Mole activity disrupts the soil as they dig and move through their tunnels to feed. Signs of mole damage include:
Molehills and ridges are distinct from the fan-shaped mounds created by pocket gophers. Understanding these differences can help you accurately identify the pest in your yard.
When and Where Mole Damage Can Occur
Identifying mole activity is key to managing damage. Look for fresh ridges or molehills and focus inspections in areas with abundant signs of disruption.
Best Methods for Eliminating Moles from Your Yard
Trapping and baiting are the two most effective methods for controlling moles. Both require precise timing and proper placement to achieve the best results. While these methods may seem challenging at first, when used correctly, they can effectively eradicate moles from your yard.
Beware of home remedies, such as placing razor blades or hair in tunnels or attempting to flood them out. These methods are ineffective and will only waste your time and energy.
Trapping is a highly effective method for mole removal when executed properly.
There are three commonly used mole traps:
Tips for Successful Trapping:
Main tunnels are usually straight and often run along man-made structures like driveways, sidewalks, or fences.
3. Careful Placement
Excavate tunnels gently to avoid disturbing them unnecessarily.
Place traps in main tunnels for better results.
4. Reevaluate if Necessary
If the trap fails to catch a mole after a few days, check for improper placement, changed mole behavior, or a disturbed site. Relocate the trap to a new active tunnel.
Modern toxic mole baits are another effective option. These baits are shaped, scented, and flavored to resemble a mole’s natural food source, with worm-shaped baits being the most successful.
Tips for Effective Baiting:
Follow the product label carefully for correct placement and application rates.
With patience and proper application, trapping and baiting can help you eliminate moles and restore your yard’s health.
Mole Prevention Options
While you might not be able to completely stop moles from entering and digging in your yard, there are steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of their presence and minimize mole damage.
If you work to control the insects moles feed on, especially before moles are present, you can create an environment that is less desirable for them. Moles eat both beneficial insects like earthworms and destructive ones like white grubs, so it can be difficult to completely remove their food supply. However, focusing on white grub control could potentially make your yard less attractive to moles, encouraging them to move elsewhere. For more details on how to manage white grubs, see our White Grub Control Guide.
Mole repellent products are available and may help keep moles out of your yard. These repellents contain ingredients like castor oil and garlic oil, which create unpleasant smells and tastes that make your yard less appealing to moles. It’s most effective to start using repellents before you notice mole activity, as it’s easier to prevent moles from settling than to get them to leave once they’ve moved in.
To ensure effectiveness, follow product instructions carefully and reapply repellents as recommended. Regular applications are necessary to maintain their effectiveness over time.
EPIC (Enviro Protection Industries)
Mole Scram Professional Repellent
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