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Brown Patch Identification Guide

What is Brown Patch?

Brown Patch is a fungal lawn disease that can impact various grass types, with tall fescue, bentgrass, and perennial ryegrass being particularly susceptible. It tends to occur during the summer months. Although it causes the grass to turn brown and appear unsightly, brown patch typically does not completely kill the grass, and it can be easily controlled.

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Brown patch symptoms can vary, but typically, you will notice patches of browned grass that range from one to three feet in diameter, forming roughly circular shapes with dark borders. The affected grass will develop brown lesions and may thin out significantly, though it can also die off entirely, leaving behind sparse areas of grayish turf.

Effects of Brown Patch Fungus Disease

Brown patch primarily affects the leaves of grass, while the roots remain unaffected. This common summer turf disease can impact nearly all grass types, including perennial ryegrass, bentgrasses, and tall fescue.

Brown Patch Inspection Guide

Monitor Weather Conditions & Symptoms

To detect brown patch in your lawn, understanding the ideal conditions for its development and recognizing the symptoms is crucial. This will help you stay alert to potential signs of this fungal disease in your turf.

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Step1 Inspect After Wet Weather Conditions

Weather plays a significant role in the development of brown patch. Humid conditions with extended periods of dew on the grass and warmer evening temperatures provide the perfect environment for brown patch to take root. This fungal disease can begin to develop within a day or two under these conditions.

During these ideal weather conditions, it’s essential to inspect your lawn for brown patch symptoms, as it’s unlikely to appear without them. Be sure to examine the lawn closely for any abnormalities.

Step2 Check Regularly from Late Spring to Early Fall

Brown patch typically affects lawns from late spring through early fall, making this period the most critical time to look for symptoms. Regular inspections during these months will help you catch any issues early.

Step3 Look for Symptoms of Brown Patch

Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of brown patch. While it can resemble other patch diseases, the large, irregular circular brownish patches of grass surrounded by a dark border are key indicators.

The affected grass blades will show lesions, which are often irregularly shaped.

If you're unsure whether your lawn has brown patch or need further assistance with identification, contact your local extension office or consult a master gardener resource for expert guidance.

Brown Patch Treatment Guide

Use the Right Product at the Right Time

Brown patch fungus is common in hot, humid weather during the summer months. However, with the correct timing and appropriate product, you can treat brown patch and help restore your lawn.

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Step1 Apply Preventative Fungicide

If your lawn has suffered from brown patch in previous seasons, applying a preventative fungicide is a great strategy. It’s most effective when applied before or around the time conditions are ripe for the disease to develop, typically during periods of high heat and humidity.

Wait until temperatures reach around 70°F before applying. Continue applications as recommended on the product label (typically every 2-4 weeks) until favorable conditions for the disease no longer persist.

Products we recommend for Step 1

Step2 Apply a Fungicide Labeled for Brown Patch Disease

Once brown patch has affected your lawn, curative treatments can help control and eliminate the disease.

Choose a fungicide specifically formulated to combat brown patch. Apply it as soon as symptoms are noticed and continue treatments until your grass shows signs of recovery and the weather conditions no longer favor brown patch development. Follow the product label and reapply every 2-4 weeks as recommended.

Products we recommend for Step 2

Brown Patch Treatment Infographic

(Click to Enlarge)

Brown Patch Prevention Guide

Proper Fertilization and Lawn Care

Brown patch is heavily influenced by correct fertilization, cultural practices, and the local weather. By managing your lawn’s fertilization and maintenance, along with anticipating conditions that favor brown patch, you can take effective measures to prevent this disease from affecting your turf.

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Step1 Proper Fertilization

How to Apply Granular Lawn Fertilizer

Proper fertilization plays a crucial role in minimizing the likelihood of brown patch on your lawn. Too much nitrogen in the soil can increase the risk of brown patch, as excessive nitrogen can create conditions ideal for this fungus.

  • Tip: Consider collecting a soil sample to test nitrogen levels in your lawn.

Apply nitrogen fertilizers at lower rates during the growing season, ensuring you avoid application during warm, humid weather when brown patch thrives. Properly managing fertilizer application will reduce the chances of developing brown patch during summer.

Step2 Follow Proper Lawn Care Practices

How to Water Your Lawn

Cultural practices that reduce disease-promoting conditions are key to preventing brown patch. By manipulating your lawn’s environment, you can reduce the risk of fungal diseases like brown patch.

  • Limit water contact with soil and grass to reduce moisture, which is ideal for fungal growth. Water your lawn only when necessary, and aim to irrigate in the early morning to allow for quicker evaporation.
  • Ensure optimal soil drainage to prevent water accumulation.
  • Improve sunlight exposure and air circulation by properly trimming unnecessary foliage, bushes, and trees.

By following these care tips, you will create a healthier lawn that is less susceptible to brown patch and other lawn diseases.