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Leaf Spot Identification Guide

What is Leaf Spot Disease?

Leaf spot is a fungal turf disease that starts with lesions or spots on grass blades. If not addressed early, it can lead to more severe damage, including root rot or plant death, a condition known as melting out. Although leaf spot and melting out are two distinct stages, they are often associated together as they both result from fungi in the same group. If left untreated, leaf spot can cause significant turf damage, potentially leading to complete lawn loss.

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Signs of Leaf Spot Disease

In the early stages, infected grass blades will show small brown spots. As the disease progresses, these spots enlarge and may develop yellow or purple borders. Over time, the spots can merge, and the affected grass blades may eventually die.

Melting Out

Progression to Melting Out

If leaf spot is not controlled, it can progress into melting out, a more severe phase of the disease. Melting out causes reddish-brown discoloration on the plant's sheaths, crowns, and other structures. The affected grass will turn yellow, wilt, and die, often rotting at the base of the plant.

Leaf Spot Inspection Guide

Regular Inspections Help Prevent Leaf Spot

Proper lawn care is essential to maintain a healthy, thriving lawn, and by staying vigilant, you can detect when your turf isn't performing well. Regular inspections allow you to spot early signs of issues like yellowing grass and dark spots, common symptoms of leaf spot disease.

By conducting thorough inspections, you can take prompt action to stop leaf spot fungus before it spreads and damages your lawn.

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Step1 Recognize the Symptoms of Leaf Spot

When inspecting for leaf spot, it’s important to know the signs of the disease. Look for small brown spots on grass blades that grow larger over time. These spots may develop yellow or purple borders and can eventually form large discolored patches. The affected leaves will eventually die off.

If you notice these symptoms along with decaying, wet grass near the roots, it could indicate melting out, a related but separate disease that often follows leaf spot.

Step2 Consult Additional Resources

Many lawn diseases, such as blight or rotting, can resemble leaf spot or melting out, so it’s essential to correctly identify the disease affecting your lawn. The American Horticultural Society is a valuable resource for finding local master gardeners who can help identify leaf spot and other turf diseases. Ensuring an accurate diagnosis is crucial for successful treatment, so make use of available resources to confirm the issue.

Leaf Spot Treatment Guide

When & How to Treat for Leaf Spot

Treating leaf spot is similar to treating other fungal turf diseases, but it’s important to understand the right timing and method for controlling this particular fungus.

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Step1 Choose & Apply the Correct Product

Lawn Disease Treatment and Control

The best way to control and eliminate leaf spot is to begin treatment as soon as you notice the first signs of the disease.

Select a fungicide that is specifically labeled to treat turf leaf spot fungal disease. Apply it directly to the affected areas, and consider spraying the surrounding areas to prevent further spread.

If the disease has already progressed, making the grass blades nearly overtaken by the lesions, or if melting out has started, it may be difficult to control. In the case of melting out, the disease has advanced significantly. If it's in the early stages, applying a fungicide can help reduce its spread, but it will not reverse the damage. However, it can help contain the disease and prevent it from spreading further. The affected grass will thin, but once the disease runs its course, you can reseed the area.

If the fungicide doesn't seem to be working, you can apply a preventative treatment in the spring to avoid future outbreaks of leaf spot.

Products we recommend for Step 1

Step2 Rotate Fungicide Products

To prevent the fungus from developing resistance to your treatments, it's essential to rotate your fungicide products. You will likely need to reapply throughout the growing season, so be sure to follow the application instructions and timing guidelines on the product label.

Leaf Spot Treatment Infographic

(Click to Enlarge)

Leaf Spot Prevention Guide

Prevent Leaf Spot with Proper Lawn Care

A strong, healthy lawn that is well-maintained is more resilient against leaf spot and melting out, just like most turf diseases.

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Step1 Minimize Lawn Stressors

Maintaining a healthy lawn involves avoiding common stress factors such as overwatering, thatch accumulation, improper mowing, and incorrect fertilization. Adhering to a regular lawn care routine ensures that your turf stays strong and disease-resistant.

  • Overwatering can lead to a saturated lawn, creating an environment favorable to fungal growth.
  • Thatch buildup can trap disease-causing spores and bacteria, promoting infection.
  • Mowing too short or too frequently can weaken your grass and hinder root development. Try to remove only up to two inches of grass length per mow and adjust your mower blades accordingly.
  • Fertilizing appropriately is key. Both over and under fertilization can compromise your lawn’s health and increase susceptibility to disease.

Step2 Apply Preventative Fungicides

Preventing leaf spot and melting out is easier if you apply fungicide before signs of disease appear, especially if you have experienced these issues in previous seasons. Be sure to rotate fungicides with different active ingredients to prevent the development of resistant strains of the disease.

Products we recommend for Step 2