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Fire Ant Identification Guide


Fire ants vary in size depending on their species and role within the colony, typically measuring between 1/16" and 1/4" in length.


  • Fire ants have a distinct waist.
  • Their antennae are clubbed or bent.
  • They have six legs.
  • Fire ants possess stingers.


Fire ants are typically reddish-brown in color, with a darker abdomen or back end.

Fire ants are most commonly found in the southeastern United States.

If you suspect you’re dealing with a different type of ant, refer to our Main Ant Identification Guide for details on other ant species.

Fire ants construct rounded dirt mounds that range in size from just a few inches to several feet across. These mounds usually feature multiple entry points for the colony.

Fire Ant Inspection Guide

The Importance of a Thorough Inspection

If you reside in the southeastern United States, you’ve likely encountered fire ants and experienced their painful stings and bites, which leave a lasting impression. Conducting a careful inspection to identify infested areas is essential for ensuring the success of your fire ant control efforts.

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Fire Ant Inspection - Where to Look

Where do Fire Ants live? Fire ant infestations are usually easy to spot due to their above ground mounds. In most cases fire ant mounds are usually found in open, sunny areas. Fire ants will build mounds in both bare soil and in grass.

In times when weather conditions such as drought, very high temperatures, or too much rain exist, fire ants are known to move into wall voids, utility boxes and air conditioning units. While taking a look in utility boxes or air conditioning units will be pretty straightforward, looking inside a wall void is more difficult. If you suspect fire ants in a wall void you should use a flashlight and check around the exterior of wall very late in the evening when the ants are foraging. If you see activity in that specific area you can confirm the infestation.

How to Eliminate Fire Ants

Two Effective Methods for Fire Ant Control

To effectively eliminate fire ant colonies, you can choose between two proven methods: baiting and mound drenches. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, so you can select the one that best suits your needs.



  • Ideal for widespread infestations, as baits can be broadcast across large areas using a hand spreader.
  • Targets the entire colony, including the queen, for long-term control.


  • Results may take up to 3 weeks to become noticeable.
  • Fire ants must be actively foraging for bait to be effective.
  • Rain or heavy dew can degrade the bait, reducing its effectiveness.

Mound Drenches


  • Provides fast results, often eliminating fire ant mounds within 1 to 24 hours.


  • Requires close proximity to fire ant mounds, increasing the risk of being stung or bitten.
  • Each mound must be treated individually, which can be time-consuming for large infestations.
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Step1 Baiting

How to Apply Fire Ant Bait
Fire ant baits are available in various formulations. Some contain only one active ingredient, such as an insecticide or an insect growth regulator (IGR). These work well for small to medium infestations. Other baits combine both an insecticide and an IGR, which are recommended for medium to large infestations.

An insect growth regulator acts as "birth control" for the colony, disrupting the reproduction cycle while the insecticide works to eliminate the ants.

Most fire ant bait products offer two treatment options for outdoor use: baiting individual mounds or broadcast spreading. Broadcasting is typically more effective for treating large areas. However, in situations where broadcasting is not feasible—such as near water bodies or edible gardens—mound baiting is a better option.

Best Practices for Bait Application

  • Apply fire ant baits to dry ground.
  • Ensure there is no watering or rain expected for at least 48 hours after application.
  • On hot days, wait until the cooler evening hours when ants are actively foraging.

Broadcast Bait Application

  • Distribute granular fire ant bait across the infested area as directed on the product label.
  • Avoid disturbing the colonies after applying the bait. This allows foraging ants to collect the bait, take it back to the nest, and distribute it to worker and queen ants.

Mound Baiting

  • Apply bait around the mound, avoiding direct application onto the mound itself. Use the amount specified on the product label.
  • After application, leave the colonies undisturbed for several days to give foraging ants time to transport the bait back to the nest.

Pro Tip

Before applying bait, perform a quick test to ensure the ants are actively foraging to avoid wasting bait:

  1. Place a few potato chips near a fire ant mound (do not disturb the mound or place chips directly on it).
  2. Wait for two hours, then check the chips for ant activity.
  3. If ants are foraging on the chips, they are likely to consume the bait as well.

Products we recommend for Step 1

Step2 Fire Ant Mound Drench

How to Eliminate Fire Ant Mounds

Mound drenching is an effective way to quickly eradicate fire ant colonies, particularly in areas where they pose a threat to people or animals. This method involves using liquid or granular insecticides specifically labeled for fire ant mound treatment. Since fire ants can attack if disturbed, it’s important to work swiftly and cautiously when performing this treatment.

Liquid Mound Drench Application

For this method, you will need:

  • A concentrated insecticide labeled for fire ant mound drenching
  • A dowel or broom handle
  • A hand pump sprayer
  • A 5-gallon bucket


  1. Prepare the Solution:
  2. Control Foraging Ants:
  3. Prepare the Drench Solution:
  4. Apply the Solution:

Granular Mound Drench Application

For granular mound treatment, you will need:

  • A granular insecticide labeled for fire ant mound drenching
  • A 5-gallon bucket


  1. Apply Granules Around the Mound:
  2. Treat the Mound:
  3. Activate the Granules with Water:

Pro Tip:
For optimal results, apply treatments during cooler weather (65-80°F) or in the early morning or late evening when fire ants are less active.

Products we recommend for Step 2

Fire Ant Prevention Guide

Completely eradicating fire ants from areas where they thrive is not realistic. However, it is possible to prevent infestations and keep fire ant populations at manageable levels. Fire ant prevention is a continuous effort. After eliminating existing colonies, new fire ant mounds may appear as new colonies move in. By practicing good outdoor maintenance, sanitation, and promptly addressing new mounds, you can effectively keep fire ants under control on your property.

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Step1 Prevent Fire Ants with Proper Sanitation

Fire ants thrive when they have access to three basic necessities:

  1. Food sources
  2. Water or moisture
  3. Harborage or shelter

By minimizing or eliminating these essential resources, you can make your property less appealing to fire ants. Good sanitation practices play a key role in discouraging fire ants from establishing colonies on your property. In terms of fire ant prevention, sanitation involves altering or removing the conditions that allow these pests to survive.

Sanitation Tips for Fire Ant Prevention

  • Trim Trees and Shrubs: Keep branches and foliage from touching your home, as fire ants can use them as a bridge to avoid pesticide treatments.
  • Create a "Dry Zone": Rake back mulch, pine straw, or other bedding materials at least 6 inches away from the structure to discourage fire ants.
  • Turn Bedding Materials: Rotate mulch or similar ground covers every couple of weeks to reduce moisture and prevent nest building.
  • Mow Regularly: Keep the lawn trimmed to discourage ants from settling in overgrown areas.
  • Clear Debris: Remove grass clippings, fallen leaves, and stacked wood, as these provide harborage for fire ants.
  • Manage Fallen Fruit: Pick ripe fruit from trees and clear fallen fruit from the ground to eliminate food sources.
  • Trash Management: Store outdoor garbage cans and dumpsters away from the structure. Ensure they have tight-fitting lids to reduce access to food.
  • Clean Trash Cans: Regularly wash trash cans and dumpsters with an ammonia solution to eliminate food residues.

By following these steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of fire ants establishing colonies on your property.

Step2 Eliminate Fire Ant Mounds

Address fire ant mounds promptly by using the baiting or mound drenching methods detailed in the Fire Ant Treatment Guide (Method 2). Acting quickly to eliminate new mounds as soon as they appear will significantly reduce the likelihood of the colony splitting and forming additional colonies.