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Dollar Spot Identification Guide

Dollar Spot: A Common Fungal Lawn Disease

Dollar spot is a fungal disease that typically affects closely mowed grass, and it is commonly found on golf courses, though it can also appear in residential lawns. It most frequently targets grass varieties like bentgrass, bermudagrass, fescue, ryegrass, and Kentucky bluegrass.

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Dollar Spot Appearance

Affected areas show roughly circular patches of tan or bleached grass, ranging in size from a few inches up to six inches in diameter. The infected grass blades develop pale, bleached lesions with a darker border, which contribute to the patchy, discolored turf.

The size of these patches may vary depending on the mowing height, with longer grass generally showing larger spots.

Dollar spot typically appears during spring and early summer, and occasionally reappears in the early fall.

Dollar Spot Inspection Guide

Recognizing Conditions & Signs of Dollar Spot Disease

When inspecting your lawn for dollar spot, it's crucial to understand the ideal conditions for the disease's development and the specific signs and symptoms to look for. This will help you begin treatment as soon as you detect the first signs of the disease.

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Step1 When to Inspect for Dollar Spot Disease

Dollar spot thrives in high humidity and warm temperatures. It typically begins to appear in late spring and early summer, and can also re-emerge in early fall. During these times, closely monitor your lawn for any patches of yellowed or bleached grass. Pay attention to the size and shape of these dead spots, as they are a clear indicator of dollar spot disease.

Step2 Look for the Right Signs

The symptoms of dollar spot may be confused with other turf diseases, such as dead spot, brown patch, or even damage caused by insect pests.

Key Indicators of Dollar Spot:

  • Circular patches of bleached or tan grass, ranging from a couple of inches to several inches in diameter
  • Each affected leaf will have lightened lesions (spots) that can eventually kill the leaf blade
  • Unlike some other turf diseases, rot or necrosis is not part of dollar spot.

If you're unsure whether you have dollar spot or another turf disease, consider consulting your local extension office, where a master gardener or volunteer can help identify the issue.

Dollar Spot Treatment Guide

Steps to Eliminate Dollar Spot Disease

Dollar spot is generally not as problematic on home lawns as it is on golf courses, but it still causes unsightly patches of discolored grass. Fungicide applications can help control the disease and improve the appearance of your lawn.

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Step1 Apply Fungicide Promptly

Lawn Disease Treatment & Control
Select a fungicide specifically labeled to control dollar spot and apply it at the first sign of infection. Preventative fungicide treatments are usually not necessary since contact fungicides work effectively in controlling and curing dollar spot.
Carefully follow the fungicide's label instructions to ensure proper application timing and frequency.

Products we recommend for Step 1

Step2 Rotate Fungicides Regularly

Since dollar spot is particularly susceptible to fungicide resistance, rotating the fungicides you use is crucial to prevent this issue.
Refer to the Mode of Action chart on the fungicide label to help you rotate between different active ingredients for maximum effectiveness. For more detailed information, check out our fungicide guide.
Limit fungicide applications to when they are truly necessary to reduce the risk of resistance.
Incorporating cultural practices with fungicide treatments can help minimize fungicide use, reduce the risk of future diseases, and lower the chance of fungicide resistance.

Dollar Spot Treatment Infographic

(Click to Enlarge)

Dollar Spot Prevention Guide

Keep Your Lawn Healthy to Prevent Dollar Spot

Preventing dollar spot is all about maintaining a healthy lawn and managing the factors that contribute to disease. There are a few essential steps you can take to prevent dollar spot from affecting your turf.

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Step1 Ensure Proper Fertilization

Proper Lawn Fertilization
Dollar spot disease is commonly found in lawns that have low nitrogen levels. It's crucial to fertilize your lawn based on its specific needs, which can vary depending on your location, climate, and grass type. Follow a lawn care schedule tailored to your grass type to ensure your lawn receives the proper amount of nitrogen. A well-nourished lawn will be healthier and more resistant to dollar spot and other lawn diseases.

Step2 Minimize Conditions That Favor Dollar Spot

Managing Favorable Conditions
Dollar spot thrives in damp, warm environments, so reducing these conditions is key.

  • Watering Tips: Water your lawn early in the morning, before sunrise, to reduce the time it stays wet. This will help prevent excess moisture from lingering on your grass for too long.
  • Improve Airflow: Ensure proper airflow around your lawn by trimming unnecessary shrubs and foliage. Increasing sunlight and airflow can help dry out the grass quicker and lower humidity levels, making your lawn less susceptible to dollar spot.