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Simplot  |  SKU: PCS-645536

Super Iron Plant Food 9-9-9 with 11% Iron - 50lb Bag


    Available. Ships in 5-10 Business Days.

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    Product Overview

    Wilbur Ellis Co

    Super Iron Plant Food 9-9-9 with 11% Iron 50LB Bag (Simplot Label)
    Part# 74099

    Product Description:
    A homogeneous fertilizer enriched with 11% iron & 10.5% sulfur. This is a complete, balanced, homogeneous, pelletized fertilizer. This special formula will help counteract alkaline soil and will enable plants to overcome iron-induced chlorosis. Super Iron promotes good health, slower growth, and great color.

    Super Iron Fertilizer Specs:
    - Total Nitrogen (N) 9.000%
    - Available Phosphate (P2O5) 9.000%
    - Soluble Potash (K2O) 9.000%
    - Iron (Fe) 11.000%
    - (SGN) 250
    - 100% BEST homogeneous pellet providing a 1:1:1 ratio of nitrogen, phosphate, and potash
    - Contains all of the potash in the sulfate form to aid turf managers where chlorides may be a concern
    - An iron rich formulation that helps to form chlorophyll for greener plants and turf

    Directions and Usage:
    - Application at the recommended rates will last approximately 4 - 6 weeks.
    * GROUNDCOVER: Broadcast at 7.5 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Repeat every 6 to 8 weeks throughout the growing season.
    * FLOWERS, BULBS & VEGETABLES: As a pre-plant: apply 2½ lbs. per 100 sq. ft., work into the top 6 inches of soil.
    * ROSES - Hybrid Teas or Floribundas: Use 1 cup per plant; Climbers: use 2 cups per plant, work into soil.
    * SHRUBS - Camellias, Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Gardenias, Junipers and others: Use 1 to 2 cups per plant, depending on size. Distribute evenly over the soil surface beneath the shrub, scratch lightly into the soil.
    * TREES - Citrus & Ornamental: Use 1 to 2 cups per inch of trunk diameter. Cultivate into the soil surface

    Features and Specs

    Sold As: 50 lb bag
    Manufacturer: Simplot
    Signal Word: Warning
    ID: 645536
    Weight: 50LB

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