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JH Biotech  |  SKU: PCS-736714

Fosphite Systemic Fungicide

Target Sites: Commercial Turf – Sod Farms, Food Manufacturing & Processing Plants, Food-Bearing Trees and Other Plants, Golf Courses, Greenhouses and Indoor Nurseries, Outdoor Nurseries, Recreational Turf – Parks and Playgrounds, Trees, Shrubs, and Foliage Plants

Product Features

  • Boost plant’s natural immune response against pathogens
  • Provides slow release phosphorus and potassium
  • Help increase yield
  • Improve quality and uniformity
  • Excellent control of Pythium, Pytophthora, and downey mildew
  • Registered as a ‘Reduced Risk Pesticide’ by the EPA
  • Kills fungi and is non-phytotoxic
  • Works both as a foliar and soil applied fungicide
  • Low application rate

Available. Ships in 5-10 Business Days.

For large order quotes, please call us at 305-713-2023.

Product Overview

Disease Control + Growth Promotion Fosphite is a systemic fungicide for controlling downy mildew, Phytophthora, and Pythium on crops. Registered as a reduced risk pesticide by US EPA, Fosphite acts systemically for several weeks with a 4-hour re-entry interval and a 0-day pre-harvest interval. The active ingredients in Fosphite break down the metabolism and cell wall components of pathogens. Fosphite then goes on to slow pathogen growth and inhibit their sporulation. By reducing pathogenic growth rate, plant defense systems have extra time to develop and kill invading organisms. Fosphite enables plants to recognize pathogens and quickly raise their own natural defenses against them. Control various diseases on crops, ornamentals, and bedding plants with Fosphite safe and superior disease protection.

Features and Specs

Sold As: 2.5 gal jug
Target Sites: Commercial Turf – Sod Farms, Food Manufacturing & Processing Plants, Food-Bearing Trees and Other Plants, Golf Courses, Greenhouses and Indoor Nurseries, Outdoor Nurseries, Recreational Turf – Parks and Playgrounds, Trees, Shrubs, and Foliage Plants
Manufacturer: JH Biotech
Manufacturer SKU: 4651
Signal Word: Caution
ID: 736714

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